Hampshire producers

Local food and drink is fantastic and some of the local producers include:

Andwell Brewery, Andwell – Premium Hampshire ales and lagers – www.andwells.com

Beaulieu Chocolate Studio, Beaulieu – handcrafted chocolate. beaulieuchocolatestudio.co.uk

Becky’s Beezzzs, Andover – Local raw honey. www.beckysbeezzzs.co.uk

Black Chalk Wine, Andover – Still and sparkling wines from the Black Chalk Estate. www.blackchalkwine.co.uk

Blackmoor Estate, Liss – family-run farm selling apples, cherries, pears, uice and cider. www.blackmoorestate.co.uk

Bombay Sapphire – gin distillery at Laverstoke Mill. www.bombaysapphire.com

Bowman Ales, Droxford – Award-winning ale. www.bowman-ales.com

Chalkdown, Andover – Premium sparkling cider crafted from specially selected apples grown in the South Downs. They also produce sparkling wines. www.chalkdowncider.com and www.chalkdownwine.com

Dampney’s Remarkable Drinks, Petersfield – Handcrafted fruit liqueurs. Rum and gin. www.remarkabledrinks.co.uk

Dandy’s Ford Dairy, East Willow – Micro dairy where the cows keep their calves with them. Milk, milkshakes and gelato. www.dandysforddairy.com

Danebury Vineyards, near Stockbridge – Family-owned small wine estate. Award-winning still and sparkling wines. www.danebury.com

Dummer Down Brewery, Dummer – Beers from the family-run microbrewery on Dummer Down Farm. www.dummerdownfarm.com/brewery-1

Exton Park Vineyard, Southampton – Sparkling wines. extonparkvineyard.com

Flack Manor Brewery, Romsey – Cask conditioned ales. flack-manor-brewery.myshopify.com

Gilbert White’s Brewery – Beer is brewed in the 1765 brewhouse of Gilbert White. gilbertwhiteshouse.org.uk/the-brewhouse/

Goodworth Clatford Vineyard, Goodworth Clatford – sparkling wine. www.goodworthwine.com

Hambledon Vineyard, Southampton – The oldest commercial vineyard in England. Sparkling wines. hambledonvineyard.co.uk

Hampshire Cheeses, Herriard, Basingstoke – Tunworth, a soft, white rind cheese handmade from unpasteurised cow’s milk was judged to be the Supreme Champion at the 2006 British Cheese Awards and it was awarded a Gold Medal at the World Cheese Awards 2007. www.hampshirecheeses.co.uk

Hartridges, Southampton – UK’s oldest independent soft drinks company. www.hartridges.co.uk

Hattingley Valley Wines, Alresford – Wines. hattingleyvalley.com

Heckfield Home Farm, Hook – Biodynamic market garden and organic farm. heckfieldhomefarm.com

Hildon Ltd, Broughton, Stockbridge – Natural mineral water, bottled at source in Hampshire. www.hildon.com

Hogmoor Distillery – Small batch gin. www.hogmoordistillery.co.uk

Honey Bee Happy Bee Farm, Winchester – Honey. www.honeybeehappy.co.uk

Hornet Chilli, Tadley – Sauces, oils, pastes and rub from Hampshire-grown chilli’s. www.hornetchilli.com

Hydes Cyder, Basingstoke – Boutique cider. hydescyder.com

Judes Ice Cream, Twyford, Winchester – Focus on making seasonal flavours using natural and locally sourced ingredients from farms around Hampshire. www.judes.co.uk

Lavender Fields, Alton – tea, honey, jam and mustard. www.thelavenderfields.co.uk.

Longdog Brewery, Basingstoke – Hand-crafted cask and bottle conditioned ales. www.longdogbrewery.co.uk

Louis Pommery England, Alresford – The famous Champagne house Louis Pommery have produced an English sparkling wine from their Hampshire vineyard. It was launched in 2018. www.louis-pommery.com

Lusso Leaf Microgreens, Stockbridge – Indoor vertical farm producing microgreens, microherbs and edible flowers. www.lussoleaf.com

Moody Cow Gelato, Fordingbridge – Gelato. www.moodycowgelato.co.uk

Mr Whitehead’s Cider Company, Selbourne, Alton – Cider produced using apples and pears grown on the south-east facing Hampshire Downs. www.mr-whiteheads-cider.co.uk

New Forest Icecream, Lymington – Icecream. newforesticecreamltd.co.uk

New Forest Shortbread – Shortbread made in the heart of the New Forest. www.newforestshortbread.co.uk

New Forest Spring Water, Fordingbridge – Spring water from the heart of the new forest. www.newforestwater.co.uk

New Forest Wild & Exotic Mushrooms – Local truffles and locally grown and cultivated exotic mushrooms. www.newforestmushrooms.co.uk

Northney Ice Cream, Hayling Island – Dairy ice cream from their Pedigree Ayrshire herd. www.northneyicecream.com

Pig Beer, Brockenhurst – Microbrewery on a former pig farm producing beers from their own hops. hwww.pigbeer.com

Plot 34A Chillis, Tadley – Grower and producer of chilli sauces, rubs and salts. www.plot34achillis.com

Pookles Farm, Alton – Edible flowers. www.pookles-farm-flowers.com

Powder Monkey Brewing Co, Portsmouth – Brewery based in a former gunpowder store. www.powdermonkeybrewing.com

Quob Park Estate, Winchester – Sparkling wines. www.quobpark.com

Raimes English Sparkling Wine, Alresford – Sparkling wines made in the traditional champagne method. www.raimes.co.uk

Rosary Goats Cheese, Landford, New Forest – www.rosarygoatscheese.co.uk

Summerdown, Basingstoke – Black Mitcham peppermint teas and chocolates from the Hampshire Downs farm. www.summerdown.com

Sunnyfields, Southampton – fruit, vegetables, herbs and butchery www.sunnyfields.co.uk

Test Valley Venison, Southampton – Wild venison. www.testvalleyvenison.co.uk

The Fantastic Fudge Company, Portsmouth – Luxury fudge and coconut ice plus speciality confectionary. thefantasticfudgecompany.co.uk

The Flower Pots Brewery, Cheriton – Brewery. www.theflowerpots.co.uk

The Portsmouth Distillery Company, Portsmouth – Rum and gin. www.theportsmouthdistillery.com

The River Test Distillery, Longparish – Gin distilled on the banks of the River Test. www.therivertestdistillery.co.uk

The Wasabi Company, Alresford – Fresh wasabi. www.thewatercresscompany.com

Unordinary Oats, Winchester – Oat drinks. www.unordinaryoats.com

Vitacress Salads Ltd, St Mary Bourne, Andover – www.vitacress.com

Winchester Cocoa Company, Winchester – Luxury filled chocolate. www.winchestercocoa.co.uk

Winchester Distillery, Winchester – Gins. www.winchesterdistillery.co.uk

Winding Wood Apiary – Locally sourced honey. www.windingwoodapiary.com

New Forest Spirits, Hangersley – Vodka and gin. www.wyrdspirits.com

Yarty, Portsmouth – Artisan cordials and vinegars. helloyarty.com