Photos of Chris and Megan’s Night of Nature at The Hawk Conservancy Trust

On Saturday 29 June Chris Packham and Megan McCubbin joined the Hawk Conservancy Trust’s knowledgeable Bird Team for an evening discovering the magic of nature. There were displays of their stunning birds in flight and a few surprises!

The event featured a variety of natural topics and fascinating demonstrations, showing connections between flora and fauna, the tiniest insects, small mammals and birds of prey and illustrating just how vital it is to conserve wild habitats and creatures.

A special visit by Butterfly Conservation’s Senior Surveys Officer Dr Zoe Randle, showed how to identify and encourage beautiful butterflies and moths in our own outdoor spaces. She also entertained the crowd by demonstrating the Puss moth caterpillar’s special liquid-squirting defence mechanism which involved disguising Megan as a Blue Tit and giving her a thorough soaking!

There were flying displays featuring the amazing hovering abilities of Scout the Kestrel, the grace of Charlie the Barn Owl, the speed of Chaucer the Lanner Falcon and the incredible scale of newcomer Kiara, the Steller’s Sea Eagle. Hooded Vultures, Sundance Kid, Bonbon and Fagin also put on a great display with the Kites.

The event was held to fundraise for the charity.