Residents and landlords asked for views of Portsmouth’s private rental sector

Landlords and private renters across Portsmouth are being asked to help inform the first steps of a citywide strategy.

Portsmouth City Council will be drafting a new private rental sector strategy in the new year which will set out how it works with landlords and supports residents.

Ahead of this both renters and landlords are being asked to take a short survey asking about their circumstances and how what their priorities are for a property.

The survey is designed to give council staff a snapshot of the city’s rental landscape and will help develop the first draft of the new strategy.

The draft strategy will go to a public decision meeting for consideration by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Cllr Darren Sanders, and if approved will then go out for wider public consultation.

Cllr Sanders said: “We need to develop a strategy to establish how we make sure people living in privately rented homes are properly supported and looked after and that we ensure landlords are keeping their properties to the proper standards. It’s vital we get the views of people who will be affected by this issue and the information we get from this survey will help us start to shape the strategy. Once we’ve got a suitable draft strategy we will hold a consultation on that and give everyone an opportunity to have a say on the final version.”

Residents and landlords can take the survey online at

Hard copies of the survey are available from Portsmouth City Council’s housing offices in Buckland, Landport, Paulsgrove, Portsea and Somerstown.

The survey closes on 20 January.